
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Convicted Sex Offender "Ed Flynn" is luring people to volunteer on his ranch in Alberta

Please read the comments, facebook threads, reddit post about Pat Carson.

His latest alias is "Ed Flynn" but he could be going as anything and changing from time to time. He stopped giving out his phone number as we'd always find it and post it here to warn people who were googling the number.

If you are talking to someone who won't give you a phone number (insists you give yours so they can call YOU from a blocked number), doesn't have a proper website, obviously please proceed with caution.

The ranch is near Sandy Beach or Onoway Alberta.

His ads are on Kijiji  and talk about offering room and board in exchange for work.

He is a scary, scary person. Go out there at your own risk.

There are other ranches in Alberta that are UNRELATED. Just do your research. It should be obvious which ones are legitimate and which ones are sketchy Pat Carson trying to lure you out into the middle of nowhere, referring to himself as "we" only to get there and realize it's just you and him (!!!)

Please continue to send us information on his activities so we can post here and warn others. Please spread the word all around the internet to keep more people safe. Thank you!



    New ad?

  2. Fucking Pat Carson is posting as Ed Flynn again, trying to lure people to his horse farm again. Dumb fucker

    Self reliance, is off the grid someting that interests you. | Friendship & Networking | Edmonton | Kijiji

    Just spotted this "Ed" in Onoway....

    I'm thinking this is his latest ad, goes under the name Ed.... Scary!


    Same dude?

    1. We can't read your messages. What does it say?


    1. Yep, that's him. "Give us your phone number", what legitimate business or human doesn't have a phone number? BEWARE


    Think he just posted this today...

    1. Yup. That's him. Flag the ad as "scam" on Kijiji. Good eye. Thanks for reporting.

  7. looks like he posted a new ad with his number

  8. Hey,Wanna help in a murder investigation? Amber Tucarro was abducted and murdered. She had taken a ride from an unknown man thought to be her murderer. When she was in the truck with her killer her brother phoned her from prison. The phone call was taped as is standard practice for that prison. Months after Ambers body was found the recording was discovered during the investigation. Listen to the recording of the murdered woman Amber Tucarro. Then have "Ed Flynn" phone you. Record the call. See if you can ask him questions where his response will include the words "ABSOLUTELY" and "BEAUMONT". Is the voice of the driver on Amber's recorded call the same as Ed Flynn?

    1. Hi, I don't live in Canada now, but I have been at the ranch for 6 months many years ago, so unfortunately, I have never forgot about the experience .I've stumbled upon Amber's case video on YouTube and when I heard the unknown male's voice, I got chills, sounded 90% like Pat Carson. I don't say a 100% mostly because the man in the tape sounds slightly emotional, if it can make any sense. Couple times he sounds a bit unsure about what to reply to Amber, when she start realizing they are not going to the city.Carson have always been, at least with me(a guy) always stone cold, falsely polite and very manipulative , or he would either loose his temper and become aggressive. Whoever has met him,knows how every word he says is well calculated, depending on who is he talking to, and the situation he's into. Nevertheless,I also thought that the man's voice sounds slightly different and "emotional" , due to the fact that he knew what he was going to do to her and that I am very lucky nobody has ever talked to me having murderous thoughts in his mind.I recall Pat used to brag about the fact he could talk with different accents. Then I thought it could be Carson,surely sounds like him. I know the whole tape is actually 17 min long but the rcmp never released the whole thing. It might be easier to recognize the voice. I wonder how people in Alexander reserve feel about knowing all this..

    2. Hi there - my name is Andy and I'm a local journalist trying to get to the bottom of this case. I'm extremely interested in speaking to you about your experience. Would you be able to reach out to me at Thanks so much.

  9. Here's a recording of that phone call.

  10. Are the voices the same? I can't tell:

  11. New ad…
