
Saturday, July 21, 2012

BEWARE Pat Carson or Patrick Carson 's Horse Ranch Sandy Beach, Onoway Alberta Canada 780 967 4582



There have been reports that Pat is allegedly neglecting and/or abusing the horses on his property. Please visit our main page for more info by clicking the banner at the top of this page or you can  CLICK HERE


"The RCMP are issuing the following public information and warning in regard to the release of a provincial inmate, in the interest of public safety.

PATRICK JOSEPH ANTHONY CARSON was released from Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Cerntre on January 28, 2003 on the expiry of his sentence for counseling for Sexual Exploitation and touching a young person for a sexual purpose. THESE OFFENSES INVOLVED



This individual represents a significant risk of offending against young adult females within the community. The Correctional Services Division of the Alberta Attorney General has designated Patrick Joseph Anthony CARSON as a High Risk Offender"


Hi Friend,

If you are reading this blog, it`s likely that you have come across one of Pat`s advertisements on Craigslist or something similar. For myself and the other people I have met who fell prey to Pat's deceptions, this was a true lesson in how something that seems too good to be true, most likely is. He knows full well how to manipulate people who are maybe looking for a purpose in their life,  want to make a difference and have a desire to be closer to nature (don't we all?).

We are here to help you realize that things are NOT what they seem. It can be difficult to tell that without having visited the ranch and being around Pat. It is therefore our hope that this website will help save someone the stress of arriving there and having it not be what they thought AND from putting themselves into a potentially dangerous situation.


We're glad your research has helped you uncover the truth. Keep asking the right questions.

Good luck on your journey! 

This is his email. If you get emails from this address beware:

Calling this phone number? 780 967 4582 Beware! This man is a convicted sex offender! "780 967 4582"  


  1. UPDATE: We have heard news that action has been recently been taken against Pat by the RCMP. While this is a step, he has not been arrested as far as we know, and is still placing ads and luring people. So he still poses a significant risk to the community.

    We need people to keep coming forward and talking to the police to that he can be prevented from harming anyone else and receive the help that he needs.


    1. Pat carson almost fooled me as well he had a add on kijiji for dreams come true come work with horses learn a trade and he qould n call me to come out it sounded ok and then i called my dad roger and he found this blog and called me write away i cant beleive i almost fell for this im devistated but also learned my lesson about trusting outsiders. Hope he goes to jail final words

    2. Maybe Pat could teach you some spelling.

    3. is he still alive or did he die

    4. {@ AnonymousMarch 11, 2015 at 12:57 PM
      "Maybe Pat could teach you some spelling."}

      Based on his inability to even craft a "lure" ad without broken english and constant spelling errors.. My guess would be that; "No. No, he cannot.". I WILL say, however, that the comment you're replying to is absolutely filled with grammatical errors to an almost frustrating degree...but not to such a degree as to make your comment any less "inappropriately distasteful".

  2. UPDATE: This blog is being accessed by people from all across North America. Please share your story!

  3. Recently my cousin started working for this guy because he loves horses and wants to learn to be a trainer. I saw your web site and contacted thE rcmp and was told that he was in no imediate danger. I guess they cannot talk about this guys past without getting into trouble. However he did say that as a family we should talk with our cousin and discuss whether this is the best place for him to be. This is exactly what we plan on doing. Funny guys like this are allowed to roam free but I am glad you have put up this web site so we know what he is capable of. .................J

  4. I found one of Pat's ads online (craigslist) and was preparing to go to his ranch to work. Luckily for me, many red flags prevented me from making the trip, and now I've found this website, which confirmed my gut instinct.

    He called and emailed me obsessively, and tried manipulative, controlling behaviours with me to try to get me to come earlier (I'm not an idiot). He is absolutely a master manipulator. I am a very withdrawn, cunning person and he almost cracked me. My breaking point was when he said he wanted one of my 'jobs' around his ranch to be posing naked for him so he could do wood carvings of me to generate income for the ranch. After that he kind of lost it a bit and said he and I would be the beginning of his new 'plan' at the ranch. I'm pretty sure he meant that he wanted to have children with me and raise them in some kind of commune setting. He is CRAZY and dangerous. His temper flared a few times just over the phone at small things like interruptions or changes to plans, or even if I didn't answer right away.

    Eventually I recieved an email from another woman that he had put me in correspondance with, and she essentially warned me off him. She said she went to the ranch, witnessed one of his outbursts at a male worker, and then the two of them left in the middle of the night with no money and no where to go. After she told me about that incident, he tried to do damage control with me, but obviously knew I was a lost cause.

    I feel lucky that I never went to the ranch because I have a sinking suspicion that I would have ended up a missing person. My experience with Pat smartened me up in dealing with online ads. Like someone said above, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Please, ladies, DO NOT risk yourself by going to this ranch.

    1. THANKYOU FOR TELLING US WHERE YOU SAW THE AD!!!!! I am going to try and find it but if you remember the section, that would help!

    2. Nude wood carvings? Presumably, he thinks saying photos is a red flag, but wood carvings are earthy and unusual enough for someone to go 'yeah, ok, i am WELL up for that!'

    3. No, it’s not the same cause I was sleuthing on this case & his voice is not the same, at all. It was also released by the RCMP the 3 women who were making this allegation were ones off of sites trying to get him shut down & he was cleared of any involvement in the missing girl case.

    4. Thank you for this update! I did hear another woman who went to the ranch (from an ad this guy posted), and she said the voices did not match as well. So it’s nice to have that confirmed.

  5. I finally went to the cop station today, talked to a cop.
    hopfully with my personal experience which i can honestly say i hope no one els ever has to go through physically or mentally, that which I have now finally shared about Pat Carson, nobody els will fall victim.
    fellow progressor to shutting him and his website down!

    1. Thankyou for doing that!!! Welcome to the team :)

    2. Have you heard 911 call by that woman? Was it the same .


  7. he is also postin on intentional communities fe;lowship

  8. Sadly i almost fell for pat's game. he has a recent posting on kijiji looking for laboures AND offering apprenticeships in the trades! this is where i feel into his game. he has emailed me and called me many times trying to get me down to the ranch. March 29th 2012

    1. Offered me an appreticship and part time work. I told him I would think about it. Glad i did and found alot of advise. Sounded like a great opportunity which is what he sells.

  9. I am afraid of this man. I never want to see him again. I hope everyone see's this site. I can't emphasize enough how AGGRESSIVE he is to talk to. If he has your phone number he will call you every day and try to manipulate/guilt/offer reward/rush you/anything to get you to come to 'the ranch'.


  10. Hey,
    SO GLAD i found this site! I was considering going there this fall.

    In May 2012 I was on the Edmonton Craigslist page and looking through job postings. I forget what section he posted in (I tried to find it yesterday when I was going to email him... guess it's a good thing I couldn't find the listing!!), but I do remember it was posted on May 19th, and that the headline said something like "Tired of the rat race?" it definitely said "rat race" in the title of the post, and in the description he mentioned learning trades and working with horses.

    thank you so so much for posting this. As a 24 year old woman who would have been going there alone, I canNot imagine that going well. Yikes. Glad I never got around to contacting him.

    (so much gratitude for finding this, and for people posting about their experiences. without the amount + variety of posts, I'd be a bit skeptical.)
    merci beaucoup!

  11. Just wanted to tell everybody,I just found and interview to him,about his "miracle wild black currant plants" on the Federation of Egalitarian Communities´s website.I am not very good with computers but I was trying to search for new ads on it,it´s actually already horrible he´s been interviewed as he was an example to follow about selfsufficiency (I can only imagine one kind of selsufficiency in which he might be good,or only used to that bloody bastard of carson).

  12. I got laid off at my job last week and decided to check Kijiji for job listings working with horses. I found his ad saying apprenticeship opportunities so I contacted him. He called me 10 mins later and started asking weird questions about my height and weight and asking if he could see pictures of me. I had the whole call on speaker phone as my mom heard the strange conversation she proceeded to find out about him and found his name on this website stating him as a sex offender. Without this website I could have been on a flight to alberta next week.
    Let's get this psycho's website shut down so he stops preying on innocent young people!

  13. If anybody has Pat's physical home address; email me @ I NEED this in order to take any legal action against Pat with the Alberta Constable.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Has anything happened with this yet? I need to know if he's still doing this shit! thanks

    4. I know exactly where he lives...Been there to look at the horses he is selling, they are in such bad shape.I wish I could have bought them all. Instead I reported him to the authorities.. Whilst some had to be put to sleep, he is still alowd to have them. I wouldn't mind doing a fund raiser to get these poor horses from him.

  14. Hello everyone...I live in North Wales U.K. I found the web-site and was very interested as I am in the process of conducting research on wild horse herd behaviour for a masters degree being Canadian this program appealed to me...however what alerted my inner red light was that one had to sign a permission form for the ranch to film you whilst you were there.. even before you go!!! Was going to e-mail him but instinct stopped me so I just googled his name and found this THANK-YOU very much. This man from all accounts is a psychopathic peodeofile and if he is filming this surely is a criminal offense in Canada(it is in UK) just check out the web-site there is an address and there are geographical directions the box no. and postal code/zip code is RRI Site Box 48 Onoway Alberta Canada TOE 1VQ ( might be O instead of Q just check)..Good Luck... there must be some Canadian regulatory body that can stop the advertizing and web-site

  15. Thank god I found this im a 19 year old girl was on my way there in a day..
    The way he was acting made me a little uncomfortable. So I googled him & found this
    I found him on Kijiji
    Anyone know how we can shut him down?!

  16. Thanks for the info! This could really be helping someone in a seriously bad situation. We are looking into it.

  17. We had the yard and groom ad taken down.

  18. He is a great manipulator and it is worrisome that my name is located on an ad that is quoted on here. I am unsure why this would be associated with such an ad but I am seriously concerned for this and have taken NUMEROUS actions to have this removed. PLEASE can we remove my name from this website too ?

    1. Hi I just wanted to ask you one thing for I was wandering if the the cell number it was on the ad that he published is it actually yours,or if he only wrote your name on the contact details but maybe used a cell he bought.If it's yours,then whatever,but I was thinking that if it is pat's I should be publish it to warn off people from it 5**-***-3806 yours or not? thank you,from D

    2. Has anyone here heard of the case of missing person Amber Tuccaro or heard her last phone call that happened to be recorded?

    3. Yes, there are other comments on here discussing Amber's last phone call. Do you have any information about this?

  19. I am a 35 yr male and had contemplated going there, since I love horses. In fact I had been thinking of it for months now but something always told me not to. I came across all his ads on area.
    I just googled his name just now and found this website. Thanks for posting it. He acted the same way towards me on the phone, very pushy yet charming.
    I happen to also be the President of the HEADLESS HORSEMEN MOTORCYCLE CLUB in ALberta. This motorcycle club is for victims of sexual abuse. So it is good I didn't go to Pat Carsons Ranch, since if he tried that stuff on me he might not be around any longer. I hope his victims speak out on this website and any where else they can. Report the idiot.

  20. Hey there,typing pat's email on skype,I've found his it possible to shut it down? hope so...keep hounding that sick man!from D

  21. this is pat's account on it possible to shut it down too? from D

  22. People should be made aware of the fact that he uses people's names as references without their consent. So if you have ever contacted him or gone there, he may be using and distributing your name to other people as a reference without you even knowing.

  23. Just letting you all know that there are ads now posted for Japanese exchange students. He has a website in Japanese advertizing as well.

  24. For the Japanese site he is using the number 780-967-4538

    1. On his waiver he implies an affiliation with Success Canada(Japanese). I sent a letter and copy of this site and a copy of his waiver to Success Canada in Calgary.

  25. Sandy Beach rancher pleads guilty to assault

    active link as of today.

    1. WOW thank you so much for posting this!!

    2. I went there too when I was looking for something new after splitting from my husband. He called it the Wild Horse Ranch at that time and had advertised for people to help train the horses and get his eco-tourism/commune off the ground. He seemed like a genius, honestly, but 100% eccentric, and manic. He could not stop talking. He said he was a journeyman carpenter, electrician, welder, and something else, and looking around the ranch, I could believe it. He built this new log-splitting machine, had built the ranch house and bunk house with grand plans for more buildings. I bought a beater car, and he helped me fix the carburetor etc. He got me a job as a carpet layer with one of his friends. He took me riding on his horses, and it was very fun, taught me how to do some tricks on the horses. I even took some of my family out there to meet him so they knew where I was. At the start, I was fully into his ideas, we were going to train the horses really well and take them to nursing homes to the old people who had grown up with horses. But I never felt really comfortable with him. He spent a lot of time talking about my body, how much I weighed and how I should do some pushups to build up my pectoral muscles, and then he said I wouldn't even need a bra because the muscles would hold my breasts up. He definitely was obsessed with the Japanese girls he had out there who would walk on his back. He talked about the naturalness of nudity a lot. Nothing ever came of it because I got too uncomfortable and left, realizing there was no actual job with him - opportunities to learn, but I wasn't ready to get rid of my apartment and live with him on the ranch like he wanted. It felt too isolated and I would have had no income except what he gave me. I talked with him a few more times, and he kept trying to get me to come back, but I moved on. Thank goodness, I am just realizing now after seeing this site come up on my facebook page. This was in about 2006 and I was 28.

  26. wow I was going to go out there today and Google had this!!! thank you guys -alycia knorr

  27. hello,i have recently wrote to a craigslist ad for medicinal plants and i was email a message from this man telling me to come out to his beautiful ranch to learn about plants
    i then googled the name of the man and found this site
    i got the email on feb 23 2013
    here is the link
    thank you for making this site

    1. What the heck.. the native Americans have nothing to do with this nor do they want anything to do with him

    2. Well he's into sexual assault and not ashamed of himself on that score, but I'm sure if he knew his pretending to have knowledge of Native American medicinal plants offended people, he would stop that false claim immediately!

  28. I visited the seventh circle of hell as well. I made it 4 days. He made it 4 km in that rank, rusty old white truck before getting weird. As soon as I got back to the ranch, he said something about getting naked so he could measure my muscle mass?! I was a boxer, I'm in good shape and I don't need this creeper fuck double checking. I told him I was uncomfortable with all his "physiotherapy" NONSENSE! He got pushy, and mad. I brushed it off...
    the next day we were taking and I asked him about the photo of the two children in his work shop, his demeanor immediately changed as he went on to tell me he had gotten a dishonorable discharge from the military for blowing up an officers car. While in the hospital for the burns he received from this incident, his wife served him with divorce papers and took the kids. He also went on about the CIA coming after him and all sorts of crazy bullshit! We worked all day, it was winter, he was cutting down large trees that were frozen among the swamp at his ranch. He would lay them out and limb them and I would take the brush and add it to the pile that was already the size of a 2 story house. I don't want to know what was among that pile or at the bottom of that swamp.
    We went home after a 10 hour day and had dinner. The food and work were great, if you try to ignore the red flags and dark vibes that exude from this crazy cowboy. I wasn't able to do that long. The next day we woke at 6am, had breakfast and headed to the ranch for another long day at work. He speaks of wanting to sculpt me, and asked if I would get naked in front of a video camera. AGAIN...I politely declined. My mind and heart raced when he was around, and not in a good way. My mother taught me to never corner crazy man, so I started to think. As soon as we got to the ranch, I told him I was sick and wanted to go back and rest. I implied he just drop me off at the house and come back to finish the work he had for the day, again his tone changed into a firm "No, no I will find work to do around the house" When we arrived back there, I needed to get away from him so I went upstairs to have a bath. Stupid move. As I'm sure some of you know, his bedroom is attached to the bathroom. He lingered in there the whole time I was in the bath...when I got out he was walking around in his little grey tighties (I'm amazed I'm not turned off men)

    1. He asked me to walk on his back, again I refused. This man just craves young human contact in anyway, it's fascinating and terrifying all at once. That evening after I spent the day in my room wondering if I'm going to get out of there at all, I finally heard the phone ring for the first time in two days. (he's not a popular man (uhh I'm sure we all know why now)...It was a native man wanting to buy firewood from him. (the absolute only income I've heard of this man speak of) I wonder how he finances a massive ranch, a huge house and all that property, not to mention horse care.
      He made a plan to drop off some firewood to the man after dinner. He told me he would be back in a half hour. I thought to myself...."self, I gotta find some dirt on this guy and then get the fuck out of here". The second I heard his truck hit the end of the driveway, I ran downstairs and rewound his video camera, the few seconds I saw were oddly happy looking Japanese girls, flexing their muscles and giggling thinking this is how NORMAL CANADIANS ROLL?!?! I also found the photo album of naked young girls he had previously shown me in a sad attempt to persuade me to get naked...cause, you know, they did....
      I looked around in his bedroom and found a shine of this one girl he would always talk about, Yuoko. He had 7 or 8 photos of her or her and him plastered at the foot of his bed, so he could look at it while he

    2. goes to sleep. He had a song pinned up right at the front door that he said was written by him but was singed by Some David guy, I believe this is his alter ego, cause he referred to himself as David a few times and only once corrected himself. In the little time I had left in his absence, I decided to call someone because I'm stupid apparently and went up there with no one knowing as I found the posting on a hostel job board (well played Carson, well played) I called my best friend and all the emotion I had been bottling up around him came out to my friends 15 year old sister (no one else was home) I told her to write down where I was, the address, the phone number and the name of the crazy man I was literally trapped in the middle of nowhere with in the dead of winter. He came back while I was still on the phone. The only phone I had access too was this one in my room, it's cord barely 2 feet long and the vent to the kitchen right beside so he could listen to phone calls. I let her go, went quiet and laid in bed for hours thinking the worst. The next day I had told him, I had a sick family member and didn't like being up there with no money to get back in case of an emergency, I went on to explain that I wanted to go back to Red Deer to work for a bit and then I would come back. I had this fuck convinced I loved it there haha (yes I'm looking into acting careers:)He told me he could drop me In Edmonton that night. I made plans with a friend of the family I hadn't talked to in years, to stay at his house for the night and made plans with friends in Red Deer to pick me up there the next day. After dinner that night he attempted one more time to convince me to let him massage me (eeeevery part of me) after another refusal I went to pack and get ready to go. I was nearly half packed when he came and told me he wouldn't drive me that night, even though I had told him I had set plans already, but still he refused stating he was too tired. An hour or so later he knocked on my door and asked me to go on one last ride on Blue (one of his horses). It was dark, it was winter, I was sick (apparently) and he wants me to go riding? My first thought was "I'm going to end up in that pile of brush! Fuck!"

  29. !" I kept saying no, and he kept pushing it until I got a little angry. At this point I was hand down, afraid for my life. He finally let it go and then tells me he will take me to the city in the morning. He actually did this time....We got up early he made me work a few hours then we were off to Edmonton where my ride would be meeting me. When we got to the rendevous point, he rushed out of the truck before I got my belt off, threw my bag against the wall, said a quick talk to ya soon and bolted for his life before my friend could ID him or his vehicle...I got in the car and melted down, just happy to be away from that MJ style ranch. I was going to do nothing but my friend convinced me to call the RCMP, I did, they are almost as useless on this planet as the man himself. They took a video statement, i was kind of a mess and the raccoon looking, blonde, bimbo, power trippin, bitch cop bailed on me half way through and i had to request someone else give me a ride home cause no one could find her anymore (my guess was the closest tim hortons drive through but they didn't like my jabs)they gave me a ride home, a week later Pat contacted me and my roommate told him to never call again. A few weeks later I contacted the RCPM for an update cause apparently they don't feel the need to keep me informed. They had told me they arrested him and he spent 10 days in custody before being released due to a non guilty plea. Months passed. I moved back to Tofino from Red Deer in hope that the surf and Ocean would bring peace again...I didn't for a while until I got the call that that the trial date was indeed set in stone and of course it was set for the day after my 24 birthday. (Oct 2008) The day came, the RCMP flew me straight from Tofino to Edmonton and then cabbed me from the airport In Deadmonton to my hotel in St' Albert (where the trial would take place) They had put me up for two days and told me they couldn't fly me out until the 19th so I would have to fend for myself for a few days before they could fly me back to Tofino. I went to

    1. trial the next morning. The lady from victims services that had spoken to me the day I filed my report was there and walked me through how everything would go. I talked to the crown attorney, he explained that he had plead not guilty to everything, but when they offered him the deal of regular assault as apposed to sexual assault he accepted it. So MY question is JUDGE...if he plead not guilty THEN took a deal, he was scared the original charge would stick NO?!
      They told me I was free to go after he accepted the deal, but there was no way I came all that way to NOT look that man in the eyes as he got what was coming to him, which was a fairy ass slap on the wrist as far as I'm concerned! 3 years probation, no one was allowed to his ranch under the age of 25, AND he had to call and inform the RCMP when he would have people at is ranch for work or otherwise. Almost 2 years pass, I still had frequent nightmares about this clown. I stupidly decided to look up his vids again on youtube to see if he was still in business, indeed he was and business was good...
      I found his channel on Youtube and contacted a young girl on his friends list, inquiring as to how she knew him. She write back informing me she had went up there for a week in November of 2008....barely

    2. one month after I won my trial against him. She told me he didn't inform her of anything I had mentioned. She was also only 23 years old. These are two confirmed breached of his probation. I called the SSM police for advice. They are useless as well! So I called the Red Deer RCMP, figuring they were more aware of him and what he does, they didn't help at all. Then I called the Stoney Plain police, and after another frustrating conversation with yet another doughnut filled, caffeine laced officer of the law, I ended up yelling "Yeah? FINE! do nothing, but know that this sociopathic, sex offender is still at large AND is one step ahead of you OFFICER. Way to protect and serve"......Ihave evicted this point in time out of my life until just recently. He's still doing it...what does he have to do to be stopped? Thanks for this site, Whoever posted it has probably saved more lives than all the cops and judges this guy has seen in his life....sorry for the novel but I really think I had to get that out.

    3. Thank you, for sharing your story. I can't imagine it was easy to relive it all.


  31. I am so grateful to all of you, for posting all of the above. I'm so sorry you went through such horrifying, unimaginable experiences, however, I do admire your strength for coming forward. I almost fell victim of Pat Carson today. He does have my email address, and phone number. Should I be contacting anyone? Or should I be concerned? I had spoken to him twice before coming across all of this information and I was very close to making the trip to Onoway. Thank you all again. Here is the add link on kijiji that I responded to.

    1. THANKYOU for posting this new link! It's really important that you click back on the ad, choose the little red flag, an REPORT it as a scam to kijiji. Hopefully we can prevent more people from seeing it. We're glad to have helped!

  32. I did report the add to Kijiji, as well as to the local RCMP and Women's shelter here in town, as we all know, desperation and the hope of a new beginning sometimes makes us do things we normally wouldn't consider, and promises of a "better life" has a lot to do with lure itself. And you were all right, he is very pushy. He has text-ed me three times, and called four times, providing me with three different numbers and an email address he can be reached at. When we first spoke he wanted to make sure I was not a smoker, I was over the age of 12, under 130 lbs, and that I would have no issues posing in a halter top, or a bikini, bare back on a horse, for the purpose of "photo shoots". Just an FYI for the youngsters entering the rodeo and horse world, he is using huge names with the stampede coming up. The Dodge Rodeo Tour, and Wrangler are reputable, serious corporate sponsors and while they may know how to ride, rest assured those boys are all in corporate suits Monday to Friday, trust me, they would NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS MAN! HIS PROMISES ARE A TRAP! He then stated I didn't need to eat or shower before coming to the ranch, and that packing my clothes before coming was unnecessary as he would take care of all of my personal and financial needs, and debts. The thanks truly goes to all of you, I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I have not known many men to be "safe". All the stories read here today, you just may have saved my life today. Thank you.

    1. SO glad to help you. Please list the phone numbers here so we can track them online and get more of his ads taken down. Thanks!

  33. I have just recently been in contact with Pat because I inquired about working on his ranch when I saw his website, He seemed normal to me and very friendly, if I hadn't seen this page I would have likely went to his ranch.
    thank you

    1. The "man" is anything but normal, I have known him for 35 years. I have attempted to post a few comments about this situation but not have been published.

  34. Looks like Pat just had an ad on Edmonton Kijiji entitled 'OFF THE GRID - 1887 Homestead

  35. A few posts above someone mentioned they have post traumatic stress disorder. Honestly, I think he reads this website and gets off on seeing what everyone is typing about him. The reason i say this is because he has now just recently begun advertising on kijijiji that people with post traumatic stress disorder should come to his ranch to relax and get away from it all.

    He is now advertising to military people as well that they should come to his ranch. He really knows how to take advantage of people who are at their weakest.

    As far as the justice system, laws, police are concerned, the fact is they are all useless when it comes to stopping crime. In reality they are the very thing that enable all molesters to do what they do all their lives. I doubt he will stop until the day comes that one of his victims freaks out mid attack and knocks him out stone cold with a knee to the nuts.

  36. He is still posting ads on kijiji...for Organic Tea Grower. He is also still advertising the free training in trades and the horsemanship. On the phone he was friendly but pushy. Thank god we came across this website. thank you so much for continuing to inform and educate about this situation!!!!! I find this very sad not only for the victims but for Pat as it seems he is a very sick individual. I HOPE HE IS WILLING TO ACKNOWLEDGE THIS AND RECEIVE THE HELP HE NEEDS.

    On the phone he is assertive and rants about things in an irritable manner, although seems knowledgable. He asked my height and size and promised exciting careers with horses. He promised room and board and talked about his plans to build off the grid housing for workers and having a senior center and daycare on the property for families of workers. These are great ideas, but none of it can work if there are untreated mental instabilities and serious emotional problems! PAT PLEASE GET HELP. It is available and your life is worth it.

  37. He is posting an ad on Kijiji Edmonton for a "working business partner harvesting black currants for tea"

    Location Edmonton Area North /West of St. Albert
    On our Horse ranch if you need time to unwind horses are nonjudgmental we will be GLAD to provide you a place to stay at no cost for as long as you need. Two of us hear are x military and know the stresses and we feel you did your part for our Country and we should do ours , all responses will be answered we are NOT GOVERNMENT SPONSORED.
    Are hope is to develop a horsemanship display team to go to retirement homes ,helping others we will help our own well-being

    Furnished Yes
    LOOKING FOR retired single or couple will provide meals and accommodation for some light duty help on the horse ranch 45k north west of Edmonton . I may consider others if interested please contact 780-967-4537.

  40. I nearly went to Pat's ranch until I googled him and found this site. I can't imagine how many people this has saved but I'm worried about how many people don't see this before it's too late. If Pat hasn't killed anyone yet, it's only a matter of time!


    please take a look at this and listen to the audio. i know its him!

    1. Has anyone reported this to the police? (I know, I know. I'm sure you have and that they're stonewalling on this just like everything else. Just GAH! He sounds like a such a sociopath.)

    2. He is still's 2019 and I was invited out to the ranch to experience his 'energy circle' by a friend that worked there about 2-3 years ago.
      She had answered an ad in Kijiji and had do the work for free while she would get half of the proceeds from the sale of blackberry currant tea. I told her to leave...I swear to God that man has bodies buried on that ranch. Talk to anyone from the Alexander Reserve, that ranch is on it's property. He likes to tell people that he was taught by the medicine man out there how to do healings, etc. What a pile of BS. I brought my sister-in-law and nephew with me. I'm an intuitive and immediately couldn't breathe when I got there...the closer I got to that 'energy circle' the worse it got. My sister-in-law experienced it as well, as did my nephew. Pat offered my nephew an apprenticeship to work with him and the energy circle when he turned 15 or 16 I believe. He wanted to have groups come out for healings, etc. and needed help with it. I can tell you one thing, he did not like me. Not one little bit. I know he knew I had him pegged. I have since met someone that the previous medicine man DID pass his knowledge to, from the reserve that filled me in on him. My friend continued to work there despite my warnings, digging up info on him, etc. She has finally left the place but she had some strange non-sexual issues with him...he was trying to get her to move to the ranch. He was very controlling, among other things...I'm sorry but I don't remember them all so I can't really share much more than this. She's a grown woman in her 40's, and quite confident and firm in her dealings with people, but has a kind heart and a lot of tolerance for him. He's nothing short of evil. He gave her some sort of trinket that he said a young lady from Japan who visited the ranch gave him. I highly doubt it. She would be one of the 2 he had out there, perhaps the one he has pictures of at the foot of the bed. I highly doubt those young ladies ever left that ranch. I don't know, it's a pretty bold thing to outright say "I'm sure there are bodies buried at that place"...but I have no problem saying it. If they brought in an excavator...I'm sure they'ld find someone...bones at least...come to think of it, he had said he found some sort of bones out there and told us that it had to do with the land over a hundred years ago. I believe he said it was a husband that killed his wife...again don't remember the details, sorry. Said that's the place the white people and indians met and fought...said many lives were lost there and that's where the bones came from. I believe there's been some loss of life there, but they're not cowboys and indians. The guy is sick...he's dirty and snotty and just old now...he's creepy for sure. It was called the Wild Horse Ranch as of 2 or 3 years ago. I was totally messed up after that visit (I'm an empath as well) and my nephew was as well...he's highly intuitive. I don't know how anyone can believe what comes out of his mouth. Oh, he also told us that if we were to ask anyone about him at the reserve, to be forewarned that they had nothing nice to say as he said they wanted to push him off the land and take it, or something to that effect. The police have more than enough probably cause to search that ranch and dig it up. That's right...I just remembered...I told my sister-in-law and friend that worked there that he reminded me of Robert Pickton...he was just as dirty, ugly and creepy as that. Probably related. Disgusting. And obviously I was right, downright dangerous. Why can't the police send in a cute little police officer to work at the ranch for a bit? Are they stupid? They could catch this guy in a heartbeat. I hope he hasn't managed to lure anyone else out there.

  42. He is still up to his crazy b lies. Spent a week there almost two weeks ago. Promises of apprenticeships and part ownership in a wild organic tea venture. Crazy medicine moon circle healing crap where he walks in a circle and spins bs outta thin air. Went kooky and started talking about killing my pet cat like we were discussing playing a game of scrabble later. I'm a little bit kooky myself, especially about people who kill animals gor no reason and enjoy it. That's messed up. I told him I wouldn't stand for that kind of talk and he got a little upset. I made up a story about a dead family member and asked for a ride to the bus. He whined and complained that I hould stay and get out of my family responsibilites. After reading others tell their stories I can see he is quite insane. Same scenerio he keeps playing out expecting different results, completely overlookin the fact that HE is the common denominater in his failure with people and his urges. What a creep. Stay away. Just glad I showed him my shotgun and slept lightly.

  43. He pumps his ad through kijiji edmonton. Just search organic in jobs and you will see his post. He says "we" but there is no "we" there, just him. Lures you into that trap with a nice %25 of the profits from a tea only he knows how to grow. Told me the secret was unsterilized bog soil with the type of enviroment that his place is and a red wing crow had to eat the berry and poop it out onto the bog. Voila. So if that's true then no, he isn't the only one who knows the method. Everyone else does now. I hope he reads this and it pissess him off. He was fortunate I didnt see this while i was there it would have not been a good place to be and know this is who he truly is. I am really strong for my size but that dude is big and i don't mess with that if you can help it. I had to make nice and work another three days to get out of there and that was tough. I basically agreed with whatever rant he went on amd talked his ear off to the point he would go lie down for an hour just to get some alone time with his thoughts ir whatever.

    1. OMG...that's what he told my friend too! It was the pure soil that took many many years to get to be so special. He still uses that line as of 2016/2017 and actually markets that tea. The last place I had known was at the St. Albert Art Centre's open house. My friend said he was really really rude then went back to his old truck and sat in it...probably didn't want to be recognized. Creepy man.

  44. Hello, this is my story with pat.

    He was a regular customer here in town. of course he was very friendly and respectful we started talking to about horses and i mentioned to him to him that i havent been on a horse since i was about 12. he generously offered his Ranch for me my gf and anyone of my friends/stuf.f Shortly after i went with me gf to visit him at his Ranch. truth be told he was very welcoming and very respectful gave us good vibe and made us comfortable. i started to think of him as a good man. But what turned me off was the way he treated this poor American guy called Eric. he was so rude to him and puts him down in front of me and my gf. we felt so bad for him because the poor guy never did anything wrong IMO. it was a hot summer weekend and we were working on his farm weeding out some stuff around the carrots and i was so hot i took my shirt off and the American guy did too. he had a go on him for that reason? he noticed that i was turned off by that and then explained to me that last month he had to take him to he Emergency because of a sun stroke... a couple weeks later he had me and my gf convince this couple from vancouver to come over to his Ranch to live. he put on the phone with them and we started telling them about the ranch...they made the move but lasted only one week and left ( poor guys moved their entire storage and their vehicle broke in the process) meanwhile he kicked the american guy right away after they came. i asked him why he said he was so annoying!! in all honesty Eric is a very hard working guy and very quite and shy. he constantly tried getting me and my gf to live at his ranch and start a family ( to this day ) i introduced him to my good friend who's good with computers and pn various times he would call us to come and fix his ''internet'' we would go fix it up only to be called a few days later telling us that there was a virus in his computer again. that seemed very strange to me cuz u only get malware if u go on bad website in most cases at least. so i decided to check his web history and OH MY GOD nothing but Japanese porn all his search was about ''Japanese pussy'' haha i guess he had a thing for Japanese girl. he mentioned how he liked this japanese chick who was there a few years ago and that she liked him and was into him but had change her mind when she found out how old he was. i knew that hes the only one who uses the computer because i set up the website for him... i asked why is there porn in here? he said : oh now that makes sense why theres virus in the computer. i said why? he replied this Native guy comes and uses the computer while im away but he hasnt been here since i told him that computer broke ( i know its bullshit) because im the one who bought him that desktop and set it all up for him and i was called almost two days after...

    1. I think it's just as bad that you find all of this funny. You don't even know the traumatizing shit myself and others have went through and there you are convincing other people to come out? You're an accessory. And that makes you just as insaneand ignorant as he is. Do the rest of your "friends" a favor and quit telling them to go there. Unbelievable!

  45. CONTINUATION OF FIRST COMMENT : I always avoided him because for one i don't want to live in the ranch and some his bullshit stories never made sense. like the black currant and how a Japanese university in okinawa made studies about it and found out its the best quality on the planed....another thing he took me and my gf this weird place in the middle of nowhere there is a circle with 12 pointed tiny sticks and made me stand with both my feet in between the stick and close my eyes and then my bf will try and contain or hold me because i will be drifting to a certain direction (north east south...) with each direction theres a meaning I think i went south and told me that im a charismatic haha my gf i dont remember BUT (to be honest her weight was considerably higher when she drifted i struggled to hold her up) im sure theres something there maybe hes saying the truth there? in fact he called me two days and left me a vm i didnt check it yet. But im sure its gonna be something like there is some new opportunities and i need u to come over and talk about it. bring ur wife and new born i have a big trailer for u guys to stay.... finally i have to admit that i never seen anything pervertiISH or him being sexual toward my wife. but indeed he insisted that i bring my coworker who has a nice body for foot shooting on a horse... funny thing is he admitted to me that he was sexually convicted before but it was fake allegations... im still in contact with him so please feel free to contact me if you need any help? i wont post my email here in case he reads this blog. but u can reply to this comment and leave yours and i will contact you. geez i hope he doesnt read this blog hahaha STAY SAFE everyone

    1. 1. You're an a**hole for thinking this is funny. He's a convicted sex offender who is constantly trying to reoffend. That's not funny.

      2. You're an idiot for thinking he won't know who you are after spilling personal details.

  46. Well I honestly have to say he destroyed my life, I was a mere 15 years old at the time, nieve, no where to go and no family that supported me. It sounded like a perfect opportunity at the time. It was many years ago, im now 29 but it haunts me still to this day, I spent 2 years out there and im sure I could honestly write about 4 pages of everything I've experienced out there, don't judge the fact that I spent that amount of time out there I would really like to contact some of the people that have been out there, maybe you were there when I was.

  47. ad 584568947 "An Alternative Way of Life" on Kijiji. Thanks for the posts, and stay safe.

  48. He's still at it eh? I know for a fact that he was breaching his probation 3 months after I won my trial against him. I informed the Stoney plain police and the St. Albert department and they did NOTHING! ANd I had physical proof of his breach! Anything that happens is on their heads now. Why won't they take his ranch or lock him up. They just keep giving him lenient rules that he so easily breaks! What's wrong with the damn system!!!???

    1. So sorry for everything you went through with this sick fellow. The system is very wrong and the only way it will change is if we demand it. There are plenty of people out there like this guy who's history show they will never change and are a danger to the public, yet the judges and police have their hands tied by the law. Write to the Prime Minister telling them you want change, join groups in support of protecting victims from sexual predators, whatever else you can think of to get the laws changed for more severe sentences for sexual predators.

  49. He has an ad in a shopping store (Sobey's or Coop - I can't remember which one) in Strathmore advertising the ranch. Hello justice system? Where are you? Is this guy still at the ranch or locked up now? This is astounding - this blog - the numbers of stories. I am so very glad I saw this page before I went further with contacting the ranch about possible work. What's the update? anyone know? I can go find the store and report back if you like. Also I think it's best if I talk with the store manager about taking that ad down.

    1. We are still working on it, Thanks for doing this and reporting it! We have had some victories here and there but the battle still rages on, sadly. Please share any more new info you get! Glad that we helped you

  50. I remembered the store: Superstore in Strathmore. I told the manager about it - the poster promoting the ranch is now removed. Someone please tell me if this guy is still allowed to be near young women/girls. It's now July. What has transpired since the last post in May? I'm curious. Quite sick indeed and sad for the justice system. The guy must still be out there doing that from the evidence...also why can the justice system not close his ranch down to stop this abuse?

  51. Yes he is still at it... my son 24 yrs. old answered his ad. I paid his fare to Alberta... I was just called by my son just two hours ago... Pat had taken them to Edmonton on a shopping trip while in Edmonton Pat went to the court house which my son thought was odd so the girl that was hire at the farm as well who just arrived there last night googled his name and came up with all this information. He call me at once I advised him to go to the police station not to return to the house with out the police to get their belongings. The police agreed to take them both back to the farm to get their belongings and get them out of there. This world is getting to be a sad place when you apply for a job and end up thousands of miles away from home and end up in this mess.

  52. So sorry this happened but glad everyone got out okay. Is there anyone left or stranded there? Please have your son and the girl share their stories here in the comments to help others. Thankyou

  53. I received a call from my 18 year old daughter last night in regards to this man and his ranch. She responded to an ad for work and applied for the job. She was with him for three weeks and started to put together that things weren't right about him and his ranch. He always made rude comments towards her about her body and sexual innuendoes. Her and the young man mentioned above took it upon themselves to research the ranch and found this site and got away before they were harmed physically. This man should not be allowed to roam free the way he is I think our legal system has seriously dropped the ball on this one. Thank goodness for the person that has made this site and made it available to the public you have helped many young people to protect themselves against a dangerous man including my daughter. Thanks once again and for all the young people out there be aware if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Be safe . To address the person above about are there any others there yes my daughter has told me there were two other young ladies there and she and the young man have contacted them to warn them about him but I don't know if they are leaving as well.

    1. Hello thank you for this. We are interested in knowing how did she find out about the ranch? What name was he calling it this time? Any details about what he is up to helps. It's possible the people left there have no where else to go, do they have families? Are they from very far away? We do what we can to help. So glad she got out in time. Truthfully there is something even more sinister going on out there that we can't get into here.. but it imperative that no one be left out there alone with him!

  54. Below is the ad posted by this guy on the 4th of October along with the email address tp reply to the ad:

    Apprenticeship opportunity for Welding or Machining. Previous experience helpful but not required . Our rural shop serves the surrounding area with welding , machining and heavy duty mechanical services. We have an opening for a hardworking individual willing to put the time and energy in to learn marketable skills and create a new future in the trades! Strong work ethic a must. Certified learning instructor. Two year commitment. Accommodation, meals, training and workclothes provided for the right person. No financial remuneration, this is an educational and lifestyle opportunity.
    .Live and work in an ideallic setting.Located 50 km NW of Edmonton, our farm is home to naturalised horses maintained in a free roaming state. We train our horses using non-traditional methods. Expectations would be minimum 2 hours each day working with the horses, as well as additional time helping out around the ranch. Details to be discussed. Experience with horses may be helpful but is not a pre-requisite. We will train the right-hearted individual.
    If this life change speaks to you, please send us an email expressing your interest and describing yourself to

  55. .I have posted the add that he has on Kijiji and his email address that he using now. My daughter and the young man told me the other girls are not returning to the ranch. He has also changed his phone number and my daughter has given it to me not sure if this will help you at all but if it will please let me know and I will be glad to share it with you. The add can be found if you put horse training in the job bar in kijiji and then choose Alberta for the place and his add will have a picture of a horse with the add. He calls the ranch Place of Peace now

  56. The sad thing about this is is he is posting this out of province. My son answered his ad and since we don't live in Alberta we had no idea of what horror stories has come to light. Now he is in Alberta out of work and staying where he can until he can find a job and place to live.

    1. Why didn't you check out the reviews of the place online before buying a plane ticket?

  57. holy crap!if this wasn't a serious thing that old pervert is nearly ridiculous...I mean he's Google+ account is "Peace Pat" ( WTF?!! any news about Gait,the guy who was still helping him despite he knew the all thing about him?Hope he's not back to help him find more victims..

  58. Wow! This guy is unbelievable! Met Pat a few years ago back in 2012, we talked about horses and his ranch, I am glad I did not take him up on his invite to come visit it. Its too bad that such talent in training his horses to do tricks is being wasted by him these horses have great potential.

  59. Still at it eh? Why does everyone on here care more about bringing this guy to justice than the police do?....Embarrassing!


    1. We'll take care of it :) Thanks for the tip off!

  61. If you go to Facebook and type in Heffernan Heritage Homestead, I havent been able to find an ad for him tho. Just this Facebook page with disgusting pictures of this disgusting excuse of a human. Thank you.

  62. found today (Dec10/14)

    1. Thank you! We are on it.

    2. Have you warned the Intention Community people about him?

  63. This is all to weired. Im confused, Something don't seem legit. Why are people posting on a site aligations and tips and not going directly to the police? Especially ones that have had or witnessed inappropriate doings? There seems to be alot of stories on here, you would think that would be enough to press charges. What's preventing him from accessing this page? I was not looking for this page or a job dealing with horses, ranches etc. .. when it showed up on my f.b. wall. Weired.

    1. People have TRIED to contact the police about it, or haven't you been paying attention? The guy keeps getting off because the law enforcement around there isn't willing to do their jobs. If you ask me, someone's being paid off to help him keep this quiet. There's got to be a crooked cop involved, or else this guy would have been more thoroughly investigated by now and shut down completely.



  66. When you complain about the justice system letting us all down, just remember that police don't make the laws, they only enforce the laws that we have. If you want to see the laws changed, get involved in the political system and support the politicians who are trying hard to toughen the laws up. Police, lawyers and judges have to obey the law, and any law passed can be struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada. That's where the real power is.

  67. FYI; We are Diane & Bear Baker. Together we own and operate Wild Horse Ranch & Outfitters and Wild Horse Ranch outside of Rocky Mountain House. These have been our legal, registered business names for many years. We do not know or are in any way affiliated with Pat Carson. There are comments being made linking us and our programs to him. The damage being done to our business and reputation cannot be estimated because of this. Anyone who bothered to check our web-site or FB would know this. The man is a disgrace and dangerous and we are suffering because of it. We invite anyone to contact us if they so desire regarding this before any more damage is done.

  68. REpost of comment from January 2012:

    as the most recent person to stay at the ranch with Pat carson, I can honestly say he has not changed and based on the trips we have taken in to town or in to Edmonton, it is clear to me that his main interest is to continue bringing very small petite girls to the ranch, he tried using me as the tool to talk to these girls he would pick out in town and get me to try and convince them to come to the ranch and stay there for atleast a weekend or some small period of time to just check the ranch out.
    He struck me as very creepy, very confused and can just sort of tell he had not had any NORMAl relationships with anyone in a long long time.
    He gets very angry very easily and lashes out constantly.
    I am a male 19 year old, I had issues dealing with him, and some times worried about him getting physical where I thought theres a chance I could take him, or handle or deal with it enough to be able to get away, but I feel with the size of girls he was telling me to go talk to and get them to come to the ranch, due to their size Im afriad they would have extreme difficulties dealing with him if he ever lashed out or tried to get physical or anything.
    So I left this ranch two days ago when my cousin came to get me out of there, that was January 25th 2012.
    due to I'v read and been told about this guy and the number of issues and behaviour I'v experienced that struck me as very odd and some times scary, where I felt the need to be armed with atleast my tiny little picket knife, and often took percoution changing and showering and stuff, only doing so when I knew he was on the other side of the Cabin house for instance mainly because theres holes in the walls and floor that are quite exposing to the point it made me extremely uncomfirtable, considering he made me take the small room right next to his when theres alot of other rooms not right next to his.

    based on my experience at the ranch, with Patrick Carson.
    He scares me and the idea of now with what I know he is trying to accomplish with having a house hold full of little petite girls in it, now knowing what I know the idea scares me and I feel extremely bad for being there and participating in trying to help him convince girls from Edmonton and Town, to come and stay at the ranch.
    He is a dangerous person, and has a very easily tweeked temper, that if he has the mind too, which its clear he does he could do and take whatever he wanted from these poor girls.
    He is still trying to contact family members of mine trying to convince me to come back, cuz I guess its easier to convince girls my age to go there, with a guy their age actually staying there aswell..

  69. REpost from january 2012:

    continuing the last post-
    I was just there for three weeks, and I would NEVER go back based on my own reasoning even before I found this stuff out about him.
    this just takes the cake. I hope nobody els falls for his lies. Hopfully you'll take what you can get from this.
    its unfortunate it took me three weeks of living there to learn any of this rapist stuff about him, he should be required to have that information about him on his website, NOBODY should be able to read his website and decide to go there until after they have learned about his disgusting past and ways.

    you will leave there with nothing but sorrows and dissapointment, he has been trying to creat this plan of his, since the late 90's and when you talk to him in an email or on the phone he refers to himself as many people as if there are a number of people at this ranch, thats what I got from talking to him and then I arrive and its just me and him, if he has been wanting to creat this plan or project for many many years, why is their nobody els there, everyone he has had come to the ranch always seems to stay for a short period of time, perhaps they felt as creeped out and uncomfirtable as I did, not neccisarily towards me in general but the way he would get when he would spot a young girl in town it was digusting, hes like a pimp, he would try and suggest pampering them and promising them things like free accomidations and training for t.v and motion picture commercials, "tons of money " he would tell me to keep mentioning.
    if he saw a girl in town he liked who was near my age of 19, he obviously could not go up to them and say these things himself, so he would get me too.
    "she's the right size, I like her ass" he would say to me.
    Getting mad if I refused cuz i felt creepy, and getting mad if when I would report back to him about how the conversation with these girls went, if it didn't seem like they were interested he acted as if it was a huge loss and would start swearing and huffing and puffing, and .. it was just digusting seeing him react like this, through my time there, Their was a few RED flag's that would come up like this for me.
    I was constantly thinking, "what the F$%# is wrong with this guy"

    now I know.

  70. Repost from Feb 2012:

    Yes Pat Carson would talk to women and young young girls about making their dreams come true and promising fame and money, like you said he is an expert manipulator.
    from Internet adds, emailing people from other ranch websites, going in to stores checking girls out and then going back to that store or watching what store they then go in to or where they go after to cut them off in the parking lot, all that to ask and tell them about coming to the ranch, and yes very disturbing behavior, EXTREME sudden out bursts.
    no regard for peoples feelings or how to have a normal human relationship or companionship, with either male or female.
    To leave I told him my sister who is diabetic was sick and having major health issues and I needed to return home to be with her and my family.
    This next part is what really put things in perspective for me, as to somthing being mentally wrong with him.

    Pats response: could not understand or in any way wrap his head around why I would care or have any reason to go attend to her, I told him she was in a coma due to a major sesure.
    " well, why would you go back then, you can't talk to her.. you can't do anything for her, plus if its that bad, funerals are expensive and I bet if you stayed here you wouldn't have to end up helping to pay for the funeral"

    WTF dude, I knew that it wasn't REALLY the case, I just wanted to get out of there with out being like your a crazy rapist who's screwed up royally in the head so im leaving..
    but if my story about me leaving for my sister was infact the truth.. THAT was his response..

    I could see he was totally confused and did not understand why I would go back, could not understand family relationship..

    that sounds liek a crazy person to me.
    I hope nobody els goes there, he to me seemed like he was planning for some sick future..

  71. Repost from Feb 2012:

    during my stay i was sexually harassed on a daily basis. he made comments about my "sexy ass" all the time. he told me he wanted to perform a healing on me in the circle but that i would have to be naked to do so. he also wanted to perform a sayance (sp?) with me but that i would have to be naked for it to work. when riding the horses he would make comments about my breasts jiggling, he even suggested we shower together to save water.. when i would say no he would get very angry at me and say i dont care about the planet. please no one ever go to this ranch.. these memories will haunt me forever.

  72. I'd like to thank everyone who posted here, and an extra thanks to those of you that continue to report his mis deeds and help us stop his internet lureing. I experienced Pat's change of character first hand after staying with him for two weeks in November of 2011. Once my girlfriend joined me at the ranch he slowly switched his attitude and progressively got more sexual towards her. I fell for his manipulation and during the two weeks there alone he gained my trust. This created a dangerous situation for my girlfriend because I had so much trust for him I didn't think twice about letting them go on horse rides together through the Alexander Band Reservation, which is quite isolated in some parts. We are lucky that we got out of there with no physical harm done to us, but it was frustrating to find that the police couldn't do anything because Pat had not done anything "illegal under the law" to us, so we started this website to spread awareness. I urge anyone who reads this with past experiences at the ranch to report to the RCMP detachment in Morinville so a case can be built against him, and potentially save the hardship of future innocent victims. A big thanks to the Website Co-Ordinator and everyone lending their experience for all to see!

    RCMP Morinville : (780) 939-4520

    1. they should investigate his whereabouts during the missing and murdered women found outside Leduc County a few years back, its says he was a frequent visitor to side roads

  73. Repost from Dec 2014:

    My family knew Pat before he had his horse ranch. We never got any creepy feelings from him but once he got the horses he asked my parents if my sister and I could stay there for the summer to help him and as payment, we'd get to ride the horses. My dad refused (thankfully) and I don't remember ever going back there after that. I remember his wife and son and I'm thankful that they are away from him. He needs to be locked up and never released. He is disgusting.

  74. Repost from April 2012:

    It's to bad this site is only easy to find on google!

    The one word that I haven't found anywhere on this site is sociopath and that is what Pat is. He is very charismatic and it is very easy to be drawn into his redneck charm.

    Pat's history is much more violent than the comments on this site go into, such as armed robbery, aggrovated sexual assault (see the burn scars on most of his body) and I'm sure there is much more?

    I hope he was relieved of his fire arms that he kept upstairs in his shop as the thought of him being armed as well as dangerous is still unsettleing.

    When I was at his Ranch he was married to a polish woman named Asha and had a son (Jack). His schpeel back then was promising people apprenticeships and he was going to use his horses to make money from Japanese tourists doing horse tours of the rocky mountains.

    Shortly after I left he was arrested for fondeling underage girls and spent time in jail for it. There was a article in the the Edmonton sun describing more of Pats criminal history, I'm not sure if it's still up but I couldn't find it.

  75. repost april 2012:

    hey everyone,I lived and worked there for almost 5 damn months in 2009.I know the man very well and he´s a really scary person.Since the very first days I kinda understood there was something wrong with him,but being I, in that time,wanting to immigrate in the country,I was trying to,despite his crazy behaviour and huge lies all the time,to bear the situation as long as possible.What I read today is just amazing,all the posts are damn scary,but all these stories,unfortunatly,don´t surprise me at all.Carson should go to jail,period.Actually isn´t it possible to sue him for other reasons,for example,does he have an insurance to have volunteer workers at his place?Then again the girls who have been asked to get naked (for "healing",or other crazy requests),can´t they make a commun prosecution all togheter?I don´t live in the country anymore,but couldn´t someone in the area ask RCMP info about this?I am glad all of you guys made it without serious consequences,we are all like comrades out of a bad army draft,and I mean it.good luck all of you for the future

    1. I had a long talk with the Morinville RCMP the other day as I found an ad for his ranch online, they literally told me there is NOTHING they can do untill someone gets hurt. They get all sorts of complaints about him. As sad as it is, he has been doing this so long and has been convicted so many times, he knows his loop holes. and he's good at staying low key and getting RICHARD OR STEVE or whoever the guy is in the guy pictures by the stove on facebook to recruit young girls that Pat picks out in the Down Town Edmonton area.
      The job posting has since been removed as I reported it I have also been on his facebook page copy and pasting warnings on anything I'm allowed to post on without liking his page. He threatened to block me and he did, if we all get on there (I had a fake account) and post warnings, it's probably gonna stop a lot more people from going there. I donot understand after how many convictions that he is allowed to carry on like he does. If he was a payed employer it would be different, but this is "volunteer" it's our choice to be lets make sure no one else gets up there cause they may not be as lucky as us and make it outta there. I still wanna know who owns the cloths and empty suitcase that were in the room I pocked in 08. Scares the shit out of me.

  76. repost july 2012:

    I talked with him and Steve for about an hour...... something, just something made my hackles rise...... Blocked his phone and email.... Seeing your website - thank you - confirms my suspicions and makes me remember to trust my inner me.

  77. please do not publish my previous post I accidentally added my name to it. Thank you!!!

  78. report, report, report all of the above with specific details to the police. The 'grooming' behaviours above, filming, etc. need to be reported. Posting things to a blog is not an official report and doesn't do any good at all in court if someone actually places charges against this guy if the police have complaint after complaint OFFICIALLY reported to them by real people rather than anonymous people on a blog, it will be helpful.

    1. I talked to the cops, they told me they can't do anything cause he's not doing anything illegal ( I know the people would suggest otherwise) but he's been doing it so long he knows how to not cross that line anymore. he went from choking out underage hookers, to taking naked pictures and "massaging people" hes fucked but not stupid. Cmon date line! Someone call Chris Hansen! The cops told me it's unfortunate but he has to hurt someone before they can do something and she sounded quite embarrassed that those words had to come from her to me. (especially as someone who spent a few days up there years ago) They get tones of reposrt al the time but it does nothing. THIS BLOG stops more people from getting hurt and going there than the cops do. So keep reporting for sure, but keep posting here too!!! something needs to be done about this guy, and SOON! before more empty suitcases end up in his spare bedrooms! I still get nightmares.

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  80. Oh my gosh. I found a link from December 09, a girl talked about moving up there with her dog. Anyone know who she is?

    1. She has forum posts from July 2010 so at least we know she made it out alive.

    2. her last post right she was planning on going in summer 2010.

  81. From the Wayback Machine

  82. he just put up new ads up on kijiji in the community tab. he's now trying to start a community based on faith....

    1. Good eye! Thanks for reporting. Wow he's back at it.

      "We", huh?

      Who... him, himself and he?

  83. Hello, I have a lot of information on this guy, if you are interested I can give it to you? Just try contacting but will only work if not anonymous I need to know that the person I am in contact with is serious. I believe I can put him away for couple of more years with what I have on him.

    1. Hello I am also an admin for this blog. Thanks for offering your help. Our sources inform us he has posted several ads on Kijiji within the past few days. There are people using those opportunities over the next few months to get out on the ranch to further the cause. If you are interested, please leave your email in a comment. We will read it and delete the comment to keep your email private. Thanks.

  84. I was at his ranch a couple of weeks ago and there is a couple there. They told me they were played and that they were promissed a house where they and their dog could stay. They came with all their belongings to stay in a little room and the dog must stay outside. They want to leave but Pat had promissed to pay them $100 every week so they could buy personal things, they have never seen any money and have non now. They want to leave but can't because they have no one to help them out. I am trying but it is difficult, I can't help them out financially because I have problems of my own in that area. But would be nice if someone could. I have their email and am keeping in touch but it is going worse for them because they can't leave and Pat is getting fed up with them because the husband is going against what he wants. so if anyone can help these two. Police is not an option because they have a temporary status here and if they can't financially take care of themselves they will be send back. So if there are any good sameritans I believe it would be a greatly apreciated. You can get in touch with me through this website and maybe with help of the administrator. Lets help these people...

    1. Wow so sorry to hear. The police would definitely be the best idea in this situation. Hitchhiking if they have to, people in the area are quite kind. If they have email as you have suggested here, they can contact family and friends. Best of luck

    2. Any word on the couple and their dog? Please tell them to be careful. He does not like animals at all! I live all the way across the country, otherwise, they could stay with me. I hate this man. Luring vulnerable people in, abusive to animals, and he keeps getting away with it!!
      I always thought the RCMP were better than that.

    3. Hello! Yes that situation is handled. Not much more we can say about it but there is no need to worry, thank goodness.

  85. I stumbled upon this website and am kind of freaking out right now as I live in the same community as him and have young children!! Of course I began googling like a madman and found several kijiji ads this man currently has up. Here is one of them and if you click on 'see posters other ads' you will see he has three others like this posted right now. I don't know if this information helps you at all, but I wanted to bring it to your attention.

    1. Everything helps! Please flag the ads on kijiji and encourage your friends to do the same to get the ads removed. He usually switches them around every day or so. thankyou!

  86. This psycho is still posting ads on Kijiji as of 12 hours ago. I reported them, hope they get taken down.

    They've been taken down twice, and now they're back up again. Doesn't Kijiji give a damn? I typed in the reason they should be taken down, and posted your blog link.
    It's too bad he isn't normal, because it would be a great opportunity. Instead it's a trap.

  88. He has an ad on kijiji it's under homstead for you i was just looking to see if he had any ads on social media.he talks about black currant plants and horse work. He is asking for men or women 18+ years.




  92. Does anyone know the link to the Japanese sites where he advertises, I will translate this for them.

    1. Yes, I'd like to know what Japanese websites he uses. I'm a young American female living in Japan. Many of my friends, both male and female, are always looking for opportunities to visit North America. I'm not sure how to explain it, but Japanese people who aren't fluent in English tend to not register when an English speaker is being manipulative, sketchy, creepy, etc. I'd like to make people here in Japan aware of him and his schemes.


  94. I was there as a machinist trainer. But I did every thing in the farm, except the machinist training. I feed the horses, cleaned their shit every day, took coal for the farm and his house. And I have to work 10-12 hours in his farm without a break or even lunch. I was a slave.

  95. his website ( says the rape ranch is located here:,+AB+T0E/@53.8014075,-114.0555384,3096m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x539f7f1f02aa31c5:0xc3fc2b06effc571d!6m1!1e1?hl=en

  96. Wow so many ppl posting.
    I came across this guy about two years ago. Alot didn't add up as well as his insistence to stay for dinner. But the creepiest. Going to the bathroom and noticing piles of different shoes of all types and realizing he's basically alone...and then stacks and stacks of lime bags. Is he killing poeple and making the bodies dissappear in lime all around his acreage??!!
    Don't be surprised if this is another Robert pickton.
    I couldn't leave fast enough

    1. Those were EXACTLY my thoughts ... about another Robert Pickton. Pat is filthy dirty, he's ornery and I knew for sure he was not a nice man. There's a lot of negative energy on that ranch as well...I"m sure there are people buried out there. If I had a shovel when I was out there, I would've started to dig in that dirt myself! When I tried to explain it to people, it was beyond my ability to find the right words to describe the air of depravity and creepiness of that ranch and of Pat himself. All I knew is I did not like him the first time I met him nor did I like that ranch. His energy circle is a negative energy vortex so there is a real pull downward to whoever uses it. I was messed up for weeks until I finally got my clinical hpnotherapist friend to help me clear and detach from the whole experience. I was with 2 other poeple that I had gotten permission to bring to experience the cirle. They didn't have a good time with that either!

  97. If you really want to help catch this guy I suggest you consider hiring a PI, maybe with contributions from folks here. If his financial dealings are half as shady as his personal life you'll have all kinds of meat for the legal system to sink their fangs in to before you even get down to his real atrocities.

    1. great idea on hiring a P.I. something needs to be done

  98. What's the update?? The creep still preying on people???

  99. One of the stories in this YouTube clip, I believe is about him, can anyone verify?

    I listen to scary stories when sititng at work and heard this story and out of curiosity came across this site.

    I am going to give a heads up to people I know in Canada about this guy and have them tell there friends too.


  101. I was asked to apprentice in heavy duty mechanics. I said I'd think about it.glad I did. Sounds like it would have been hell. Too sounded so good

  102. I'm curious if he's still at it.

    1. I found an ad a year ago and almost went with my boyfriend but we couldn't afford the plane tickets. I was very shocked to find out about this yesterday. I guess I'm not working at a ranch anytime soon.

    2. He is now under the name "Ed" and is posting to try and lure more victims.

  103. .

  104. Found him. Looks like he fancies himself a mental health advocate nowadays.

  105. Still at it today! wtf....

  106. Just so people are aware, the creep who tries to pick up young women and girls for Pat known as "STEVE" (formerly went by "RICHARD") is Richard Gait.

    He's a creep in his own right and it's no wonder he's now going by an alias now.

    I spent a couple of weeks at the ranch a few years ago after being lured in by Richard. Richard is well aware of how creepy Pat is and knows what situation he's putting young girls into... and he doesn't care!! Both Richard and Pat acted very inappropriately towards me to the point where in the end I had a friend drive 6 hours in the middle of the night so he could take me home.

    Richard would lure me into situations where I would be alone with Pat outside of the house. On one such occasion he took me to a secluded wooded area saying we were going to do some work there. When we arrived Pat was there and Richard tried to tell me he suddenly had to leave and go back to he farm... and basically tried to push me out of vehicle!! I would have been stranded and alone with Pat (who had already been making me uncomfortable, something I'd previously told Richard). I basically got in an argument and made up something about needing to go back to the house as I forgot my asthma medication and spent ten minutes convincing them both to let me go back. God knows what would have happened if I hadn't. The whole thing was clearly a ploy to get me out there alone with Pat.


    1. As well as luring girls for Pat, 'STEVE' (Richard Gait) is also just as sexually obsessed as Pat with women from other ethnicities (japanese, first nation, thai). He even writes 'interracial erotic novels' under the name 'R.W. Gait'. He is sex obsessed and perverted and it is no coincidence he has stayed with Pat for many years on-and-off.

  107. Wow so Do this man have ties to the missing woman Amber? Can't remember the last name.

    1. I agree, they need to investigate him on the Amber Tuccaro Case "Listen to the Voice"

  108. I'm pretty sure this is the same guy. It comes up under google search if you check the number noted above 780-967-4538.

  109. OMG, I live in the same county Lac St Anne where his ranch is! Since I joined this FB page and read all posts, this of him is the longest! Still ongoing with his ads, and comments as recent as Sept 2019! I am so worried about those Japanese girls, have they made it home? The RCMP cannot dig in his property on grounds of suspicion of murder? Of missing native girls? EVERYONE, go to Google and write about him (and his side kick Richard) to warn future naive and gullible young ones about him. Please!

    And because of auto correct, no one wrote it correctly that the Indian reserve his ranch is closest to is called ALEXIS FIRST NATIONS.

    1. It is NOT an auto correct issue. The Alexander reserve is closest to this "ranch". Alexis reserve is further away off of Hwy 43. He still leaves on the ranch and is still trying to convince people to come out to the ranch. He has a woman named Cecille (call her CeeCee) operating with him. He offered me a welding apprenticeship an wanted me to come work with his horses but I would have to give up smoking cause the tobacco made the horses violent... he invited me for breakfast and basically acted like I was going to be his right hand man within 5 minutes of meeting him. The worst part is he made himself out to be a normal busy farmer type guy who just wanted extra help.... thankfully google exists....he creeps around Sandy beach area constantly... BEWARE he is still out there

  110. He probably gets oriental girls from over seas .They are easier to one reports them missing.I can't believe they haven't charged him yet.There are so many testimonials here.Scary guy that's for sure.

    1. I agree! It's so sad to think about. I only heard about this guy about a week ago and these stories have consumed my mind. I'm convinced he's the active AB serial killer. I really hope something brings this more to the public eye and the RCMP are pressured into doing a real investigation.

  111. Does anyone have an acutal address for his ranch?


    2. Its in onoway alberta. all i know for now.

  112. Reading about this, I really wonder how he finances his life. He appears to have no income aside from random shit like selling native people firewood.

    What with the Epstein revelations (or rather the media finally shining a spotlight on it in a big way) it really makes me wonder. Epstein was another guy who had little (relatively speaking) legitimate income, appearing to live well, well beyond his supposed means. Now we know, he pimped out little girls and boys to the upper strata of American society.



  115. Please Amber Tuccaro 20 went missing August 18 2010 from Nisku Alberta. She was found murdered. At the time she was picked up by a man who was recorded in a conversation that Amber was having with her brother who was in jail in Edmonton. She was going to visit him. She was hitchhiking when her killer picked her up. The call was released to the public just a small.portion to see if people recognized the alleged killers voice. Please listen to it see if we can identify this guy. Thank you.

  116. I think hes on kijiji going as ed and come to off grid


    Thats him

  118. Someone needs to record his voice if they ever talk to him on the phone. We need to compare it to the Amber Tuccaro recording.

  119. Someone, somewhere knows something..the families of Amber and the other women need answers and justice. For all the daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces everyone out there be careful, be aware. Someday this man will let it slip, its only a matter of time

  120. Here's a new ad for u

  121. Does anyone have proof of his convictions? I have a friend at his ranch and can't find a single official source with his name stating his crimes. I've also searched the Edmonton journal archives for all Oct 2008 reports and can't find him you Think it would have made the news

    1. 2008 Oct 22 Edmonton Journal
      Rancher pleads guilty to assaulting woman

  122. Hey, you... the person who posted this: UnknownJanuary 13, 2021 at 5:29 PM Contact me at I have some information for you that the person who controls this site will not allow it to be posted.

  123. Does anyone have this guys picture

  124. Yes, I have many photos. Who are you? What are you going to do with the photos? Send an email to the one in the comment from January 13, 2021 at 8:18pm

  125. Could this be him?

  126. Hey guys, I'm going to do a youtube investigative piece on Amber Tuccaro and any information you have on this guy that is relevant to that case would be greatly appreciated! My e-mail:

    Thank you!

  127. Richard Gait Amazon books

  128. I listened to the podcast and I spent many years of my childhood there at his ranch and the voice does not match, and I've spent alot of time there by myself and with my cousins helping be a ranch hand

    1. bull sh*t u sound like as if u could b pat himself or someone helping him to try and cast doubt on the mountain of facts against him hes a piece of garbage stay away

  129. Grab the piece of shit cut his dick off and make him eat it

  130. What a grub get a group of blokes and go and take care off him
